What is a Rain Barrel?

A rain barrel is a container that connects to a downspout on your home and is used to collect and store rain water that runs off your roof. The collected rain can be used to water your yard or landscaping, which can reduce your water bill. By disconnecting your downspout, you can help prevent the sewer system from becoming overwhelmed by excess stormwater. This can then reduce water pollution, flooding, erosion, and sewer overflows throughout a community.
Please note that as rain water flows over a roof surface it can pick up pollutants such as bacteria from birds and other animals as well as chemicals from roofing materials. This is important to consider when thinking about using rain barrel water on edible plants.
Water collected in rain barrels should never be used for human consumption.
Save Local Waters sponsors the Rain Barrel Art Project to educate the public on environmental issues like storm water runoff, watersheds, and water conservation. The Rain Barrel Art Project invites local artists to design and paint rain barrels that are auctioned off. To get involved or for more information, click here.
Please note that as rain water flows over a roof surface it can pick up pollutants such as bacteria from birds and other animals as well as chemicals from roofing materials. This is important to consider when thinking about using rain barrel water on edible plants.
Water collected in rain barrels should never be used for human consumption.
Save Local Waters sponsors the Rain Barrel Art Project to educate the public on environmental issues like storm water runoff, watersheds, and water conservation. The Rain Barrel Art Project invites local artists to design and paint rain barrels that are auctioned off. To get involved or for more information, click here.